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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Getting Started

It's officially day 3 of the program I am attending and I've already made a lot of new friends. Some of the people took a little more time getting used to but, I'm pretty proud of myself for stepping out of my bubble. We started the day off by attended 3 out of 5 of our core classes, which are basically college level like classes. There are many new things I learned and the classes where pretty in depth and interesting. Even though it is the first day of our classes my favorite is the World Music classes because its different, we are learning about traditional African music and that's not something you just learn about everyday. Also the Photography Literacy class I'm taking is pretty amazing because I love photography and its components and this class is basically a break down of that.

WE HAVE HOMEWORK!!!!! Even though it's the first day of attending our classes, certain ones
An outdoor stage
gave us homework, it's probably to make the experience seem real. None of it seem difficult except for the homework from my Communications I class. On Friday for this class we have to present a 1-2 min speech about ourselves....I've never been the best at public speaking, so this class has me a little anxious of the outcome. I also have an Acting class and an EDU I class, which only meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, while the other 3 meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I just hope by the middle of next week I'm not drowning in unfinished homework.

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